Very low consumption and radiation softphones

Short Title
Very low consumption and radiation softphones.

Long Title
Very low consumption and radiation softphones.

Short Description
Mobile phone apps to promote a vocal codec (audio compression and decompression method for the voice) characterized by its simplicity, its low bitrate and its low audio frame emission frequency.

Long Description
vlrPhone is an app based on PJSIP and Open Source products, whose goal is to promote, in the future versions, a new voice codec (audio compression and decompression method for the voice).
This codec is based on FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) and the local peaks.
This codec is characterized by its efficiency, its simplicity and its robustness.
It will allow low battery consumption (VLC Very Low Consumption, yellow button) and emissions of audio frames limited to the strict minimum, so the electro-magnetic radiations will be minimized (VLR, Very Low Radiation, green button).
If the correspondent does not use vlrPhone, the app will behave as a normal softphone.
More details can be found on the website of the app, at the following address:
For now, the app behaves as a normal softphone (white, yellow and green buttons).

The project is led by the manager of the WhmSoft company, a limited liability society. The latter is a professional developer and webmaster (C/C++, PHP/MySQL, HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript/jQuery, ...).
He developed the WhMic software (running on Windows, program) in which there is a codec called WHM Voice that will be used for VLC.
He maintains the following web sites:

The objectives are:
- Programming of the codec (VLC and VLR versions) for Windows with an Open Source softphone (GreenJ).
- Programming of the codec (VLC and VLR versions) for Android with an Open Source softphone (GreenJ or CSipSimple).
- Programming of the codec (VLC and VLR versions) for iOS (iPhone / iPad) with an Open Source softphone (GreenJ or Siphon).
- Promotion of the codec in order to be used the most widely possible.
The sources will be available for the developers.

The project is divided into four distinct parts:

1) Program VLC and VLR for Windows.
2) Program VLC and VLR for Android.
3) Program VLC and VLR for iOS.
4) Promotion of the codec.

This fundraising is for the three first parts (programming).
The contributors will have obviously free access to all apps as they become available.
A portion of raised funds will be used to buy and send the counterparties promised to contributors.

Address of the web page of the apps:
On can find on this page additional information, including more details on the algorithms to be used.
The possible Android app with the final user interface is available on Google Play at the following address:
This app does not yet contain the codec but can be used as a normal softphone.

The project has a very significant impact in everyday life:
- It will help to greatly reduce the battery consumption during the voice communications, if the two correspondents use the codec.
- It will help to reduce the audio frames emissions, so the electro-magnetic emissions.
Discussions are currently taking place between experts to know if the effects of these waves are carcinogenic in the long term or in case of intensive uses of mobile phones.

You can also support the project:
- By downloading and using the apps.
- By signaling the project around yourself.
- By sharing your observations and reporting the problems.

See on the crowdfunding website.